Organizations that want to be successful should prepare now for the fast-approaching arrival of 2023. Companies may be asking questions like, how has the recruiting job become more challenging this year? Or, can we expect those same recruiting challenges in 2023? We’re here to answer both these questions, and more, about what to expect as your organization moves into 2023.
A Brief Look Back
As the corporate world sought to fully recover from the global pandemic, many companies, if polled, would likely report that in 2022, their recruiting and hiring processes moved at a fast pace. As organizations finally breathed a collective, post-pandemic sigh of relief and returned to the business of being a business, they were then faced with scrambling to find top-talent candidates — especially in the first 6 months of 2022.
Some companies may find 2023 just as challenging, but for a different reason altogether. Economic uncertainty, interest rate challenges, and supply chain issues are likely what many organizations will be facing next year. For some, these factors are likely to contribute to a slowdown in hiring, which will be one of many recruiting challenges in 2023.Â
The question you may ask now is if these factors affect your company, should your recruitment process be shifted to the back burner? The answer is no. Those involved in the recruiting process are likely to feel even more pressure to find precisely the right candidates when limited positions do become open. In other words, there may be less overall hiring, but the demand for quality employees is likely to increase. Companies will expect more from staff because organizations will have to accomplish more with fewer employees on board. Â
Continuing Challenges to Improve the Recruiting Process
The shift of focus from volume hiring in 2022, to hiring “quality only” in 2023, can actually serve your organization quite well in improving your overall recruiting process. With the extra breathing room that 2023 will provide, those involved in the recruitment processes of your organization may find themselves with more time to reflect upon what hiring strategies worked best in the past, as well as areas where they still need to improve. Tweaking the recruitment process during the early months of 2023 means you’ll be better positioned when the inevitable economic upturn arrives.Â
1. Challenges to the Full Cycle Recruiting Process
As companies juggle to position themselves in a potentially muddled economic landscape, everyone involved in the recruitment process is likely to feel the pressure of doing more with less. Stricter budgets will bring about a focus on greater efficiency. As in 2022, there will still be an emphasis on hiring top-quality talent in 2023. However, the processes involved in meeting this goal will be scrutinized. From preparing a job opening and reaching out to find the right candidates, to the final selection and onboarding process, companies will be evaluating the entire process to eliminate actions that don’t produce tangible results. Â
2. A Greater Focus On Recruiting KPIs
Just as companies will expect more from their new hires, they will also demand more from those involved in the recruiting process. KPIs will become more important as recruiters strive to deliver greater efficiencies, along with measurable results in the hiring/onboarding process to meet goals.
3. External RecruitingÂ
Whether your organization will fill open positions in 2023 by way of external recruiting efforts will largely be a reflection of how well your recruiting efforts performed in 2022 (and prior). In other words, in 2023, your organization may find that it’s very well-positioned to hire candidates already at your company. However, if you find that past recruiting efforts still did not bring the best on board, your organization will likely decide to look externally.Â
4. Startup Recruiting
For those involved in a startup business, as the overall hiring pace begins to normalize, you may see a larger pool of candidates from which to draw. That’s the good news. However, the challenge to find the resources you’ll need to hire the best candidates will remain a recruiting challenge in 2023. You’ll still need to consider whether you should try to create and maintain a full recruiting process internally, or if you should obtain assistance from an outside source. Â
5. Recruiting SourcesÂ
Again, whether you’ll need to rely more heavily on external resources to find quality candidates, will depend upon whether your recruiters can find the new hires they need within your own ranks. If your organization had a stellar recruiting process before 2023, you may not need to depend upon additional recruiting sources. For all the others, 2023 can provide a great opportunity to tweak your company’s recruiting sources, so you’ll be properly positioned for the rest of 2023 and beyond.
6. Who Are Your Strategic Recruiting Partners?
As your organization approaches 2023, it’s a good time to reflect on whether your current strategic recruiting partners are meeting your expectations. Perhaps they hit it out of the ballpark a few times in 2022, but there were some misses as well. Or perhaps your company doesn’t even have any recruiting partners, and your organization has really been struggling to find the time and resources necessary to attract the right talent. Either way, in 2023, there’s little point in repeating the same mistakes of 2022 and years prior. Â
Take the First Step to Prepare for Tomorrow
If your company’s hiring efforts in 2022 did not exceed your expectations, let Comeet’s recruiting system provide your organization solutions to recruiting challenges in 2023. We can help your organization streamline the entire hiring process from start to finish. Our premier ATS platform will help your organization cut through all the red tape normally associated with evaluating, hiring, and onboarding the right talent. Take the first step to hiring better, faster, and smarter in 2023, by scheduling a demo with us. To get started, schedule a demo.