Comeet merges with Spark Hire! Read about it.

Share the love and get rewarded

Our referral process couldn't be easier. Just share your unique referral code with the companies in your network that you think could benefit from using Comeet.
Earn rewards for yourself or your chosen charity.


For each qualified lead referral *we qualify using the BANT methodology


When your referral signs up for Comeet

How it works

Comeet continues to grow because of our amazing clients, like you, who place their trust in us. Thank you for being a part of our success!

Provide referral information
We’ll connect with them directly
They sign with Comeet
You get rewarded

Boost Your Network, Elevate Your Success

  • Are you a part of the Comeet family and loving every bit of our platform?
  • Do you know other companies that could benefit from our innovative platform?
  • It’s time to bring them on board with the Comeet referral program.

"Comeet provides talent acquisition and screening services. To date, they have excelled on both fronts. Comeet sources excellent candidates, facilitates the hiring process and closes the deal with several Director- level and individual contributor engineer roles.