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Comeet Product Updates: Measure Candidate Satisfaction to Keep Winning Talent

We believe that the best candidate experience brings the best talent to your company. Comeet’s newest product measures and improves your candidate experience. Introducing Candidate Voice.

(You can read all about the importance of candidate experience here.)

Meet Comeet’s Candidate Voice

Close More Candidates, Faster

Automate the process of uncovering what candidates think about you. Our friendly chat bot and regularly optimized workflow keeps the conversation going with candidates. Email notifications, smart Q&As, immediately recorded feedback: rest easy it’s all handled.

Improve Glassdoor Ratings

Promote your employer brand by increasing positive Glassdoor reviews and referrals. Candidates that show positive sentiment in their Q&A are prompted to submit a Glassdoor review on their experience, right then and there.

Create Brand Ambassadors

See the impact of your candidate experience with targeted KPIs. Measure Candidate NPS, track your Candidate Experience Score. You’ll learn exactly how successfully you’re creating brand ambassadors.

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