What Does a Caregiver Do?
Caregivers help disabled, elderly, ill, or injured individuals to improve their quality of life by assisting them with daily tasks. Caregivers aid patients by helping with household chores, errands, personal cleanliness, meal preparation, and other functions patients cannot perform or have difficulty carrying out.
Caregiver Job Overview
In the caregiver role, you will review and execute the patient’s personal care plan in a warm and compassionate manner. Your tasks will revolve around administering medication, basic housekeeping, cooking, cleaning, and accompanying patients to meetings, social gatherings, and other such events. Success in this role will be demonstrated by your ability to reduce difficulties that affect the patient’s quality of life.
Caregiver Job Responsibilities and Duties
- Performs basic cleaning and housekeeping services
- Assists patient with meal preparation
- Helps patient take medication
- Maintains a cheerful and optimistic demeanor when interacting with the patient
- Assists patient with physical therapy exercises
- Shares any major concerns with the patient’s doctor or healthcare professionals
Caregiver Job Requirements
- High school diploma
- Excellent practical knowledge of first aid and related techniques
- Good communication skills
- Physically fit and capable of doing household chores
- At least 18 years old
- Respectful and compassionate with a cheerful attitude
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